As we all know COVID-19 has taken the world by surprise and we are all in quarantine. Not by coincidence but by God's blessing he has led you to my website to help you learn to boost your immune system against COVID-19 and other aliment. For starters you can click the link to some videos about Vitamin C,E,D and how to boost your immune system ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-X2RXJpJjGMzZzzdfSG1hQ ) to find out many pieces of information for boosting your immune system but first I would like inform you more about it.
There are some fruit and vegetables (leafy and root) that boost your immune system. I will start this list off with Ginger:
Ginger has many antioxidants and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It holds the ability to break down the toxins in our organs and clean out the immune system thoroughly.
Garlic has essential nutrients. When it is crushed it releases allicin. It strengthens the body's defence system to fight diseases.
Vitamin C foods:
Red Bell Peppers
Vitamin C is an anti cancer agent and is essential to the body, in wound healing and skin repair. Lack of Vitamin C or deficient of it can weaken the immune system and subsequently the bones. Excess in take of vitamin C can cause loose bowl movement.
Supplementation. You can buy Vitamin C in most health food shops or on our website. Supplement is good but a good balance diet is always the best way to go.
I hope this helps you, your family and your friends.

I will never forget the day I had to deal with pain. there are several types of pain and different causes. Pain can be mild or excruciating no matter how small that pain is, its only the bearer that can describe it. My love one has this pain which started small in the rectum, it was so disturbing that he has to go to the hospital, he was examined and told it is fisher, this fisher according to the doctors is a growth in the rectum and its usually associated with constipation. this is someone who has never being constipated. due to the diagnosis, the GP prescribed anisole for my dear one. he came to use it but there was no difference in his condition. he repeatedly went to the GP surgery but there was no other solution, they still insisted that it was a fisher.
It took over a year for the GP to refer him to the hospital. The delay of the GP rather caused a devastating diagnosis. After several test and scans, it came up that he has colon cancer. For us it is something that they will just perform a surgery remove it and he can go about his normal and usual activities in life, but this was not the case. It did happen that the surgery was going to be devastating and life changing.
I am writing this to let you know that pain is just like the traffic light telling you to get ready or take action. Don't ignore pain no matter how little it may be. First when you have pain depending on where it may be, the stomach, the chest, joints, back, neck, hip, foot, eye and headache, begin to ask yourself questions such as:
a) I'm I constipated - When is the last time that I did a poo and a proper one
B) have I had enough rest/sleep for the past week?
B) how much water do I drink every day?
C) is there any issues causing you stress?
D) May be you need to eat that time.
I want to address the above individually in other to unlock some secrets to health. These have helped me to make positive changes to my life and I experience vitality everyday. All the books I have read, these secrets pose a treats to human life and causes fatal deaths and terminal illness. The truth is before we get to know these, the damage has been done.
Constipation is described in the oxford dictionary as difficulty in moving the bowels. Constipation is a common subject that almost every body knows of even children understand this word but little is done as individuals to help the situation. I think this is causing many deaths in children and adults. I personally believe that the subject constipation is bigger or broader than how we deal with it.
There are many who are opening their bowls everyday but are still constipated. you may ask how?
My late husband had a very good bowel movement everyday and sometimes two to three times in a day. I admired this in his life because I find it difficult to move my bowels. Because of this when he was diagnose with colon cancer it was a shock to us. This led to me researching the cause of colon cancer. In fact I discovered so many things that marvelled me.
The colon is designed to distribute the nutrient we consume through food to all the other parts of the body through the blood and lot more. let me state here that I 'm not a doctor but I want to share what I have learnt through research, personal practices and during my Nutrition course.
In my research, I read many books and all these books revealed that when the colon is dirty or full of faeces, sickness and diseases are inevitable.
I use to have very bad skin full of spots and blemish and my face was full of pimples. my skin colour used to look very dull though I was born with a very fair or light skin. My legs looked and felt dry, opening my bowels was a struggle for just a bulb of poo or faeces to come out. I did a proper colon cleanse and that opened the door to a great health that i am enjoying now.
suggestion of how to keep your colon clean:
Try colon Irrigation or
Do a high enema or use a mild cleansing agent
Drink lots of vegetable Juices, smoothies and soups
Drink lots of water
supplement with vitamin C, D and Omega 3
Get enough sleep,
When a person does not get enough sleep, it can cause dizziness, slow function of the brain and drowsiness and headaches and joint aches. Ensure to access your self of the hours you sleep. at least 6- 8 hours of sleep every day or every other day. this will rejuvenate your body to function well throghout the week.
In a situation where you have had enough sleep but still feel tired with headaches and pain. then sleep may not be the problem.
Hydration- Drink yourself to health,
Drinking lots of water will solve most of the problems with digestion, stomach aches, disfunction of the lungs, joint aches and bodily pains in general. Another beautiful fact is that the skin becomes supple and soft and the oxygen in the blood increases to maintain the electrolyte to improve cell functions.
there are many things that keeps the mind busy and this can be anything such as just picking a child from school, meeting that irritating work colleague and worrying just worrying. Please let Go and let God. there is a lot of things we worry about that we cannot change or do anything about. these worries causes unnecessary pains that medication can not even tackle.
I know of a scenario where some one was diagnosed with breast cancer but later got healed because she realised that the pain was of emotions than sickness. when she forgave her offenders, that is when healing stared without medication or chemotherapy because the cancer was stage 4 and doctors could not help in any way.
Choose the right food:
Eating well will also solve most of the pains you may be having. One thing I came across when doing my nutrition course was how improper eating can change the shape of some organs and to correct this, you will need to eat lots of vegetables. Lacking just one nutrient can cause distortion in your organs and this can cause you indescribable pain.
It took over a year for the GP to refer him to the hospital. The delay of the GP rather caused a devastating diagnosis. After several test and scans, it came up that he has colon cancer. For us it is something that they will just perform a surgery remove it and he can go about his normal and usual activities in life, but this was not the case. It did happen that the surgery was going to be devastating and life changing.
I am writing this to let you know that pain is just like the traffic light telling you to get ready or take action. Don't ignore pain no matter how little it may be. First when you have pain depending on where it may be, the stomach, the chest, joints, back, neck, hip, foot, eye and headache, begin to ask yourself questions such as:
a) I'm I constipated - When is the last time that I did a poo and a proper one
B) have I had enough rest/sleep for the past week?
B) how much water do I drink every day?
C) is there any issues causing you stress?
D) May be you need to eat that time.
I want to address the above individually in other to unlock some secrets to health. These have helped me to make positive changes to my life and I experience vitality everyday. All the books I have read, these secrets pose a treats to human life and causes fatal deaths and terminal illness. The truth is before we get to know these, the damage has been done.
Constipation is described in the oxford dictionary as difficulty in moving the bowels. Constipation is a common subject that almost every body knows of even children understand this word but little is done as individuals to help the situation. I think this is causing many deaths in children and adults. I personally believe that the subject constipation is bigger or broader than how we deal with it.
There are many who are opening their bowls everyday but are still constipated. you may ask how?
My late husband had a very good bowel movement everyday and sometimes two to three times in a day. I admired this in his life because I find it difficult to move my bowels. Because of this when he was diagnose with colon cancer it was a shock to us. This led to me researching the cause of colon cancer. In fact I discovered so many things that marvelled me.
The colon is designed to distribute the nutrient we consume through food to all the other parts of the body through the blood and lot more. let me state here that I 'm not a doctor but I want to share what I have learnt through research, personal practices and during my Nutrition course.
In my research, I read many books and all these books revealed that when the colon is dirty or full of faeces, sickness and diseases are inevitable.
I use to have very bad skin full of spots and blemish and my face was full of pimples. my skin colour used to look very dull though I was born with a very fair or light skin. My legs looked and felt dry, opening my bowels was a struggle for just a bulb of poo or faeces to come out. I did a proper colon cleanse and that opened the door to a great health that i am enjoying now.
suggestion of how to keep your colon clean:
Try colon Irrigation or
Do a high enema or use a mild cleansing agent
Drink lots of vegetable Juices, smoothies and soups
Drink lots of water
supplement with vitamin C, D and Omega 3
Get enough sleep,
When a person does not get enough sleep, it can cause dizziness, slow function of the brain and drowsiness and headaches and joint aches. Ensure to access your self of the hours you sleep. at least 6- 8 hours of sleep every day or every other day. this will rejuvenate your body to function well throghout the week.
In a situation where you have had enough sleep but still feel tired with headaches and pain. then sleep may not be the problem.
Hydration- Drink yourself to health,
Drinking lots of water will solve most of the problems with digestion, stomach aches, disfunction of the lungs, joint aches and bodily pains in general. Another beautiful fact is that the skin becomes supple and soft and the oxygen in the blood increases to maintain the electrolyte to improve cell functions.
there are many things that keeps the mind busy and this can be anything such as just picking a child from school, meeting that irritating work colleague and worrying just worrying. Please let Go and let God. there is a lot of things we worry about that we cannot change or do anything about. these worries causes unnecessary pains that medication can not even tackle.
I know of a scenario where some one was diagnosed with breast cancer but later got healed because she realised that the pain was of emotions than sickness. when she forgave her offenders, that is when healing stared without medication or chemotherapy because the cancer was stage 4 and doctors could not help in any way.
Choose the right food:
Eating well will also solve most of the pains you may be having. One thing I came across when doing my nutrition course was how improper eating can change the shape of some organs and to correct this, you will need to eat lots of vegetables. Lacking just one nutrient can cause distortion in your organs and this can cause you indescribable pain.